
我们将《现代技术陶瓷》2016年以来发表的论文进行了汇总,形成了总目录和分类目录 (点击论文题目即可下载论文全文),供读者阅读、参考、引用。


李健, 周媛媛, 佟娜, 等. Ba(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-Mg4Nb2O9复相陶瓷微波介电性能研究. 现代技术陶瓷,2020, 41: 405-413.
Li J, Zhou YY, Tong N, et al. Study on microwave dielectric properties of Ba(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-Mg4Nb2O9 composite ceramics. Advcanced Ceramics, 2020, 41: 405-413.

成宏卜, 欧阳俊, 张伟, 等. 高储能密度铁电薄膜电容器研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2019, 40: 256-264.
Cheng HB, Ouyang J, Zhang W, et al. Progress in ferroelectric thin film capacitors for high density energy storage. Advcanced Ceramics, 2019, 40: 256-264.

白洋, 李建厅, 秦士强, 等. 面向高效固态制冷应用的铁电陶瓷材料. 现代技术陶瓷,2018, 39: 369-389.
Bai Y, Li JT, Qin SQ, et al. Ferroelectric ceramics for high-efficient solid-state refrigeration. Advcanced Ceramics, 2018, 39: 369-389.

张光祖, 赵阳阳, 许积文, 等. 储能用无铅铁电陶瓷介质材料研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2018, 39: 247-265.
Zhang GZ, Zhao YY, Xu JW, et al. Research progress of lead-free ferroelectric ceramics for energy storage. Advcanced Ceramics, 2018, 39: 247-265.

舒龙龙, 梁任宏, 喻彦卓, 等. 晶态材料中的挠曲电效应:现状与展望. 现代技术陶瓷,2018, 39: 223-246.
Shu LL, Liang RH, Yu YZ, et al. Flexoelectricity in crystalline materials: status and perspective. Advcanced Ceramics, 2018, 39: 223-246.

杜中强, 戴英, 裴新美. (1-x)Ca15/16Sr1/16TiO3-xLi1/2Nd1/2TiO3陶瓷的相组成、显微结构及微波介电性能. 现代技术陶瓷,2017, 38: 150-155.
Du ZQ, Dai Y, Pei XM. Phase, Microstructure and microwave dielectric properties of (1-x)Ca15/16Sr1/16TiO3-xLi1/2Nd1/2TiO3 ceramics. Advcanced Ceramics, 2017, 38: 150-155.

王维维, 黄端平, 徐庆. 热处理对Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3厚膜介电性能的影响. 现代技术陶瓷,2016, 37: 136-130.
Wang WW, Huang DP, Xu Qing. Influence of annealing process on dielectric properties of Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 thick films. Advcanced Ceramics, 2016, 37: 126-130.