
我们将《现代技术陶瓷》2016年以来发表的论文进行了汇总,形成了总目录和分类目录 (点击论文题目即可下载论文全文),供读者阅读、参考、引用。


向阳, 王义, 朱程鑫, 等. 氧化物/氧化物陶瓷基复合材料研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2020, 41: 394-404.
Xiang Y, Wang Y, Zhi CX, et al. Research progress of oxide/oxide ceramic matrix composites. Advcanced Ceramics, 2020, 41: 394-404.

黄子彦, 朱敏, 朱钰方. 介孔生物玻璃复合支架及其骨组织修复应用. 现代技术陶瓷,2020, 41: 373-393.
Huang ZY, Zhu M, Zhu YF. Mesoporous bioglass composite scaffolds and thier applications in bone repair. Advcanced Ceramics, 2020, 41: 373-393.

陈斐, 向兴, 宋尚斌, 等. 石榴石型固体电解质体系:离子输运性能调控及其全固态电池研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2020, 41: 341-372.
Chen F, Xiang X, Song SB, et al. Garnet solid electrolytes: Ion transport performance regulation and research progress of its all-solid-state batteries. Advcanced Ceramics, 2020, 41: 341-372.

薛友祥, 唐钰栋, 李福功, 等. 除尘脱硝一体化高温陶瓷过滤材料研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2020, 41: 269-280.
Xue YX, Tang YD, Li FG, et al. Research progress of high-temperature ceramic filter materials for integrated dedusting and denitration. Advcanced Ceramics, 2020, 41: 269-280.

张振昊, 孙海滨, 杨荣坤, 等. 六方氮化硼在绝缘导热聚合物复合材料中应用研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2020, 41: 256-268.
Zhang ZH, Sun HB, Yang RK, et al. Research progress of hexagonal boron nitride in insulating thermal conductive polymer composites. Advcanced Ceramics, 2020, 41: 256-268.

齐建起, 冯钊, 黄旭,等. Mg-Al-O-N体系中几种典型透明陶瓷材料. 现代技术陶瓷,2020, 41: 231-255.
Qi JQ, Feng Z, Huang X, et al. Typical transparent ceramics in Mg-Al-O-N system. Advcanced Ceramics, 2020, 41: 231-255.

付帅, 朱德贵, Salvatore Grasso, 等. 磁性MAX相陶瓷研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2020, 41: 217-230.
Fu S, Zhu DG, Grasso S, et al. Research progress of magnetic MAX phases ceramics: a review. Advcanced Ceramics, 2020, 41: 217-230.

王俊伟, 徐鑫. 膜蒸馏用多孔陶瓷膜的疏水改性. 现代技术陶瓷,2020, 41: 171-185.
Wang JW, Xu X. Hydrophobicity modification of the ceramic membranes for membrane distillation. Advcanced Ceramics, 2020, 41: 171-185.

赵娟利, 杨岚, 张成冠, 等. 热障涂层材料研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2020, 41: 148-170.
Zhao JL, Yang L, Zhang CG, et al. Recent progress in thermal barrier coatings. Advcanced Ceramics, 2020, 41: 148-170.

许西庆, 刘家臣. 可变形非晶陶瓷研究进展与发展趋势. 现代技术陶瓷,2020, 41: 134-147.
Xu XQ, Liu JC. Research progress and development trend of dDeformable amorphous ceramics. Advcanced Ceramics, 2020, 41: 134-147.

郑佳艺, 马壮, 高丽红. 智能化高能激光防护材料新进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2020, 41: 121-133.
Zheng JY, Ma Z, Gao LH. Development of intelligent anti-high power laser materials. Advcanced Ceramics, 2020, 41: 121-133.

陈政伟, 范晓孟, 黄小萧, 等. 高温吸波陶瓷材料研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2020, 41: 1-98.
Chen ZW, Fan XM, Huang XX, et al. Research progress and prospestion on high-temperature wave-absorbing ceramic materials. Advcanced Ceramics, 2020, 41: 1-98.

王兴福, 毛巍威, 张健, 等. 铁酸铋复合材料的制备及其可见光催化性能研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2019, 40: 417-431.
Wang XF, Mao WW, Zhang J, et al. Progress on the preparation of bismuth ferrites composites and their photocatalytic property under visible light. Advcanced Ceramics, 2019, 40: 417-431.

毛小建, 陈晗, 赵瑾, 等. 自发凝固成型研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2019, 40: 398-416.
Mao XJ, Chen H, Zhao J, et al. Spontaneous coagulation casting: history and its development. Advcanced Ceramics, 2019, 40: 398-416.

陈琳, 冯晶. 稀土钽酸盐RE3TaO7和RETa3O9陶瓷热-力学性质研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2019, 40: 367-397.
Chen L, Feng J. Research progress of thermo-mechanical properties of rare earth tantalates RE3TaO7 and RETa3O9 ceramics. Advcanced Ceramics, 2019, 40: 367-397.

马壮, 刘玲, 郑伟. 航空发动机环境障涂层:材料及性能. 现代技术陶瓷,2019, 40: 331-344.
Ma Z, Liu L, Zheng W. Environmental barrier coating for aeroengines: materials and properties. Advcanced Ceramics, 2019, 40: 331-344.

梁斌, 杨治华, 贾德昌, 等. 亚稳Si-B-C-N系陶瓷的晶化行为研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2019, 40: 313-330.
Liang B, Yang ZH, Jia DC, et al. Recent advances in crystallization of metastable Si-B-C-N ceramics. Advcanced Ceramics, 2019, 40: 313-330.

倪德伟, 陈小武, 王敬晓, 等. 反应熔渗Cf/(ZrB2)-ZrC-SiC超高温陶瓷基复合材料的优化制备及性能. 现代技术陶瓷,2019, 40: 293-312.
Ni DW, Chen XW, Wang JX, et al. Fabrication and properties of Cf/(ZrB2)-ZrC-SiC composites by improved reactive melt infiltration. Advcanced Ceramics, 2019, 40: 293-312.

程浩, 陈明祥, 罗小兵, 等. 电子封装陶瓷基板. 现代技术陶瓷,2019, 40: 265-292.
Cheng H, Chen MX, Luo XB, et al. Ceramic substrate for electronic packaging. Advcanced Ceramics, 2019, 40: 265-292.

成宏卜, 欧阳俊, 张伟, 等. 高储能密度铁电薄膜电容器研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2019, 40: 256-264.
Cheng HB, Ouyang J, Zhang W, et al. Progress in ferroelectric thin film capacitors for high density energy storage. Advcanced Ceramics, 2019, 40: 256-264.

苗蕾, 邓梓阳, 周建华, 等. 新型太阳能蒸汽系统及光热材料研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2019, 40: 235-255.
Miao L, Deng ZY, Zhou JH, et al. Research progress of emerging solar-driven steam generation system and photothermal materials. Advcanced Ceramics, 2019, 40: 235-255.

张闪闪, 闫艳慈, 彭坤岭, 等. 单晶SnSe热电材料研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2019, 40: 215-234.
Zhang SS, Yan YC, Peng KL, et al. A review on the single crystals SnSe thermoelectrics. Advcanced Ceramics, 2019, 40: 215-234.

郭伟明, 曾令勇, 吴利翔, 等. 硼热还原法合成MeB2 (Me = Zr, Hf, Ti, Ta) 粉体研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2019, 40: 174-190.
Guo WM, Zeng LY, Wu LX, et al. Research progress on the synthesis of MeB2 (Me = Zr, Hf, Ti, Ta) by borothermal reduction. Advcanced Ceramics, 2019, 40: 174-190.

张辉, 王晓辉, 周延春. MAX相中的晶体结构缺陷:研究现状与发展方向. 现代技术陶瓷,2019, 40: 150-173.
Zhang H, Wang XH, Zhou YC. Crystal defects in MAX phases: the current status and
future directions. Advcanced Ceramics, 2019, 40: 150-173.

王再义, 李伶, 邓斌, 等. 氮化硅人体植入材料研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2019, 40: 135-149.
Wang ZY, Li L, Deng B, et al. Research progress of silicon nitride-based human implanted materials. Advcanced Ceramics, 2019, 40: 135-149.

蔡德龙, 陈斐, 何凤梅, 等. 高温透波陶瓷材料研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2019, 40: 4-120.
Cai DL, Chen F, He FM, et al. Recent progress and prospestion on high-temperature wave-transparent ceramic materials. Advcanced Ceramics, 2019, 40: 4-120.

涂溶, 胡璇, 章嵩, 等. 碳化硼薄膜制备技术研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2018, 39: 417-431.
Tu R, Hu X, Zhang S, et al. Preparation methods of boron carbide thin films. Advcanced Ceramics, 2018, 39: 417-431.

孙海滨, 郭学, 张振昊, 等. 中温固体氧化物燃料电池电解质研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2018, 39: 403-416.
Sun HB, Guo X, Zhang ZH, et al. Research progress on electrolytes for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells. Advcanced Ceramics, 2018, 39: 403-416.

陈涛, 傅邱云, 付振晓. ZnO压敏电阻及其片式化技术. 现代技术陶瓷,2018, 39: 390-402.
Chen T, Fu QY, Fu ZX. ZnO varistors and the chip technologies. Advcanced Ceramics, 2018, 39: 390-402.

白洋, 李建厅, 秦士强, 等. 面向高效固态制冷应用的铁电陶瓷材料. 现代技术陶瓷,2018, 39: 369-389.
Bai Y, Li JT, Qin SQ, et al. Ferroelectric ceramics for high-efficient solid-state refrigeration. Advcanced Ceramics, 2018, 39: 369-389.

田志林, 王京阳. 稀土硅酸盐陶瓷材料研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2018, 39: 295-320.
Tian ZL, Wang JY. Research progress of rare earth silicate ceramics. Advcanced Ceramics, 2018, 39: 295-320.

张光祖, 赵阳阳, 许积文, 等. 储能用无铅铁电陶瓷介质材料研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2018, 39: 247-265.
Zhang GZ, Zhao YY, Xu JW, et al. Research progress of lead-free ferroelectric ceramics for energy storage. Advcanced Ceramics, 2018, 39: 247-265.

舒龙龙, 梁任宏, 喻彦卓, 等. 晶态材料中的挠曲电效应:现状与展望. 现代技术陶瓷,2018, 39: 223-246.
Shu LL, Liang RH, Yu YZ, et al. Flexoelectricity in crystalline materials: status and perspective. Advcanced Ceramics, 2018, 39: 223-246.

陈代荣, 韩伟健, 李思维, 等. 连续陶瓷纤维的制备、结构、性能和应用:研究现状及发展方向. 现代技术陶瓷,2018, 39: 151-222.
Chen DR, Han WJ, Li SW, et al. Fabrication, microstructure, properties and applications of continunous ceramic fibers: a review of present status and further directions. Advcanced Ceramics, 2018, 39: 151-222.

汪长安, 张健, 龚铭, 等. 过渡金属氧化物空心球的制备及催化性能研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2018, 39: 95-105.
Wang CA, Zhang J, Gong M, et al. Research progress on preparation and catalytic performance of transition metal oxide hollow spheres. Advcanced Ceramics, 2018, 39: 95-105.

范宇驰, 王连军, 江莞. 基于石墨烯的结构-功能一体化复相陶瓷. 现代技术陶瓷,2018, 39: 75-94.
Fan YC, Wang LJ, Jiang W. Graphene based ceramic matrix composites with integrated mechanical and functional properties. Advcanced Ceramics, 2018, 39: 75-94.

章婷, 赵春林, 乐弦, 等. 气凝胶研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2018, 39: 1-39.
Zhang T, Zhao CL, Yue X, et al. Research progress of aerogels. Advcanced Ceramics, 2018, 39: 1-39.

王锋, 曾宇平. 多孔SiC陶瓷制备工艺研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2017, 38: 412-425.
Wang F, Zeng YP. Research progress of the processing methods for porous SiC ceramics. Advcanced Ceramics, 2017, 38: 412-425.

周茂, 黄章益, 齐建起, 等. 纳米陶瓷无压烧结研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2017, 38: 391-411.
Zhou M, Huang ZY, Qi JQ, et al. Recent progress in pressureless sintering of nanoceramics. Advcanced Ceramics, 2017, 38: 391-411.

陈玉峰, 洪长青, 胡成龙, 等. 空天飞行器用热防护陶瓷材料. 现代技术陶瓷,2017, 38: 311-390.
Chen YF, Hong CQ, Hu CL, et al. Ceramic-based thermal protection materials for aerospace vehicles. Advcanced Ceramics, 2017, 38: 311-390.

刘凯, 孙华君, 王江, 等. 3D打印成型陶瓷零件坯体及其致密化技术. 现代技术陶瓷,2017, 38: 286-298.
Liu K, Sun HJ, Wang J, et al. Techniques of 3D printing combined with densification processes for the fabrication of ceramic parts. Advcanced Ceramics, 2017, 38: 286-298.

范晓孟, 殷小玮, 马昱昭. 三维打印制备MAX基复相陶瓷研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2017, 38: 278-285.
Fan XM, Yin XW, Ma YZ. Research progress on MAX-phase-based ceramics fabricated by three-dimensional printing. Advcanced Ceramics, 2017, 38: 278-285.

连芩, 武向权, 田小永, 等. 陶瓷增材制造. 现代技术陶瓷,2017, 38: 267-277.
Lian Q, Wu XQ, Tian XY, et al. Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics. Advcanced Ceramics, 2017, 38: 267-277.

黄淼俊, 伍海东, 黄容基, 等. 陶瓷增材制造 (3D打印) 技术研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2017, 38: 248-266.
Huang MJ, Wu HD, Huang RJ, et al. A review on ceramic additive manufacturing (3D printing). Advcanced Ceramics, 2017, 38: 248-266.

梁栋, 何汝杰, 方岱宁. 陶瓷材料与结构增材制造技术研究现状. 现代技术陶瓷,2017, 38: 231-247.
Liang D, He RJ, Fang DN. Development of additive manufacturing of ceramics. Advcanced Ceramics, 2017, 38: 231-247.

陈程, 云闯, 杨建, 等. 石墨烯/陶瓷基复合材料研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2017, 38: 176-188.
Chen C, Yun C, Yang J, et al. Research progress of graphene/ceramic matrix composites. Advcanced Ceramics, 2017, 38: 176-188.

郭巍, 马壮, 刘玲, 等. 航空发动机用热障涂层的CMAS侵蚀及防护. 现代技术陶瓷,2017, 38: 159-175.
Guo W, Ma Z, Liu L, et al. CMAS corrosion and protection of thermal barrier coatings for aeroengine. Advcanced Ceramics, 2017, 38: 159-175.

梁琦, 肖东, 林慧兴, 等. 电子基板用玻璃/陶瓷复合材料的低温共烧与性能. 现代技术陶瓷,2017, 38: 96-107.
Liang Q, Xiao D, Lin HX, et al. Low-temperature co-fired and properties of ceramics/glass composites for electronic substrates. Advcanced Ceramics, 2017, 38: 96-107.

卢帅, 周有福, 苏明毅, 等. 透明AlON陶瓷的研究进展与展望. 现代技术陶瓷,2017, 38: 85-95.
Lu S, Zhou YF, Su MY, et al. Progress and prospect of transparent AlON ceramics. Advcanced Ceramics, 2017, 38: 85-95.

刘云龙, 朱德贵, 胡春峰. MAX相及喷涂法制备MAX相涂层. 现代技术陶瓷,2017, 38: 21-28.
Liu YL, Zhu DG, Hu CF. Review of MAX phases and its coating fabricated by spraying. Advcanced Ceramics, 2017, 38: 21-28.

李建华, 张超, 王晓辉. 三元层状可加工导电MAX相陶瓷研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2017, 38: 3-20.
Li JH, Zhang C, Wang XH. Progress in machinable and electrically conductive laminated ternary ceramics (MAX phases). Advcanced Ceramics, 2016, 38: 3-20.

陈明伟, 谢巍杰, 邱海鹏. 连续碳化硅纤维增强碳化硅陶瓷基复合材料研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2016, 37: 393-402.
Chen MW, Xie WJ, Qiu HP. Recent progress in continuous SiC fiber reinforced SiC ceramic matrix composites. Advcanced Ceramics, 2016, 37: 393-402.

封波, 胡淑娟, 陈超, 等. 有机前驱体裂解硅基陶瓷的应用研究. 现代技术陶瓷,2016, 37: 377-392.
Feng B, Hu SJ, Chen C, et al. Application research on Si-based polymer derived ceramics. Advcanced Ceramics, 2016, 37: 377-392.

邱阳, 陈玉峰, 祖成奎, 等. ITO薄膜的研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2016, 37: 303-324.
Qiu Y, Chen YF, Zu CK, et al. Research progress of ITO thin films. Advcanced Ceramics, 2016, 37: 303-324.

唐青, 崔学民, 贺艳, 等. 地质聚合物及其在重金属废水处理中的应用. 现代技术陶瓷,2016, 37: 253-268.
Tang Q, Cui XM, He Y, et al. Geopolymer: research progress and its applications in removing heavy metal from water. Advcanced Ceramics, 2016, 37: 253-269.

向茂乔, 王朝富, 张云, 等. 固态氚增值剂陶瓷微球制备工艺研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2016, 37: 241-252.
Xiang MQ, Wang CF, Zhang Y, et al. Research progress of fabrication process for solid state tritium breeders. Advcanced Ceramics, 2016, 37: 241-252.

熊焰, 刘冲. 放电等离子烧结技术在陶瓷材料制备中的应用. 现代技术陶瓷,2016, 37: 227-240.
Xiong Y, Liu C. State of art: Applications of spark plasma sintering technique in ceramic fabrications. Advcanced Ceramics, 2016, 37: 227-240.

张建峰, 涂溶, 後藤 孝. 旋转CVD技术及其在陶瓷粉体担载纳米粒子催化剂制备中的应用. 现代技术陶瓷,2016, 37: 179-189.
Zhang JF, Tu R, Goto T. Advances in rotary chemical vapor deposition and its applications in fabrication of ceramic-supported nanoparticle catalysts. Advcanced Ceramics, 2016, 37: 179-189.

刘海林, 霍艳丽, 胡传奇, 等. 光刻机用精密碳化硅陶瓷部件制备技术. 现代技术陶瓷,2016, 37: 168-178.
Liu HL, Huo YL, Hu CQ, et al. Preparation of high precision SiC components for lithography equipment. Advcanced Ceramics, 2016, 37: 151-167.

周新贵, 王洪磊, 赵爽. 核用SiCf/SiC复合材料研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2016, 37: 151-167.
Zhou XG, Wang HL, Zhao S. Progress of SiCf/SiC composites for nuclear application. Advcanced Ceramics, 2016, 37: 151-167.

苏睿, 黄志锋, 李飞宇, 等. 氮化硅基多孔陶瓷的制备技术、孔隙结构及其相关性能. 现代技术陶瓷,2016, 37: 75-93.
Su R, Huang ZF, Li FY, et al. Silicon nitride based porous ceramics: preparation technologies, porous structure and properties. Advcanced Ceramics, 2016, 37: 75-93.

郭伟明, 古尚贤, 苏国康, 等. 导电Si3N4基复相陶瓷研究进展. 现代技术陶瓷,2016, 37: 94-106.
Guo WM, Gu SX, Su GK, et al. Research progress of electroconductive Si3N4-based ceramics. Advcanced Ceramics, 2016, 37: 94-106.

刘钊, 万德田, 包亦望, 等. 高温和超高温极端环境下陶瓷管材弹性模量评价新技术. 现代技术陶瓷,2016, 37: 107-118.
Liu Z, Wan DT, Bao YW. New evaluation methods for determining the elastic modulus of ceramic tubes at high and ultrahigh temperatures. Advcanced Ceramics, 2016, 37: 107-118

丁利文, 范桂芬, 李镜人, 等. AlN陶瓷的性能及应用. 现代技术陶瓷,2016, 37: 22-33.
Ding LW, Fan GF, Li JR, et al. Performance and application of AlN ceramics. Advcanced Ceramics, 2016, 37: 22-33.

陈 林, 杨冠军, 李成新, 等. 热喷涂陶瓷涂层的耐磨应用及涂层结构调控方法. 现代技术陶瓷,2016, 37: 3-21.
Chen L, Yang GJ, Li CX, et al. Thermally sprayed ceramic coatings for wear-resistant application and coating structure tailoring towards advanced wear-resistant coatings, Advcanced Ceramics, 2016, 37: 3-21.